What is an Ozobot?
Ozobot is a small programmable robot. It combines the digital and physical world. Ozobots follow lines and combinations of colours programme it to move in different ways. It also has an online block coding platform.
How might we design a trip for a tourist around Aotearoa, New Zealand?
Task: Create a tourist map of NZ highlighting key places for tourists to visit and use the Ozobot to represent the journey.
Student Level: Year 2+ Can be adapted to suit Level 1, 2 or 3 of the NZ Curriculum
Beginner Intermediate Advanced
Time and Resources:
2-3 hours
1 Ozobot per pair or group
A3 Print out of North island- Find it here
A3 print out of South island- Find it here
Black felt pens
Ozobot pens (optional)
Ozobot codes (optional)
Curriculum links:
This is an integrated unit involving a number of curriculum areas such as social sciences, reading, writing and digital technologies. The following curriculum achievement objectives are Level 1 and 2.
Social Sciences Level 1: Understand how places in New Zealand are significant for individuals and groups.
Social Sciences Level 2: Understand how places influence people and people influence places.
Computational thinking progress outcome 1: In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students use their decomposition skills to break down simple non-computerised tasks into precise, unambiguous, step-by-step instructions (algorithmic thinking). They give these instructions, identify any errors in them as they are followed, and correct them (simple debugging).
Computational thinking progress outcome 2: In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students give, follow and debug simple algorithms in computerised and non-computerised contexts. They use these algorithms to create simple programs involving outputs and sequencing (putting instructions one after the other) in age-appropriate programming environments.
English Level 2: Speaking, writing, presenting: Select, form, and express ideas on a range of topics.
English Level 2: Listening, reading, viewing: Show some understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.
Key Competency Links:
Thinking: Planning and design process for the map tour. Audience: who is the tour for? What resources will we need? Research into the locations, North Island and South Island, West Coast and East Coast.
Using language, text and symbols: Map symbols, map construction, frame, arrow, colour, key, title, scale, grid referencing, natural features, lakes, volcanoes, forests, beaches, cultural features, towns, cities, buildings, roads, bridges. Coding Language: algorithm, bug, debug, loop, test, trial.
Managing self: Completing work for the group, finding the right tools for the job.
Relating to others: Working together in the group, thinking carefully about audience and being culturally respectful and aware.
Participating and contributing: Sharing ideas, completing tasks and working together in the group.
Step by Step Lesson:
Working in pairs or groups, students identify 3-5 places in NZ that are significant or could be important for a tourist to visit. They could research more information about each place to identify why it is a great place for tourists to visit.
Print each island on an A3 piece of paper and glue together
Mark the places on the map and with pencil map out the trail or path the Ozobot is going to travel. Remember they don't like lines to close together or too sharp a turn. Find more info about a 'good' line here.
If using codes, students draw or glue on codes on different parts of the trail. Practice the codes and lines on some scrap paper to make any improvements or find any bugs before doing the map copy. Find codes here.
Use the black pens to go over the pencil lines to create a trail for Ozobot to follow.
Test your trail!
Use coloured pencils to add detail to the map such as scenery, sign posts, information etc
Present and share!

How else could you do that?
Ozobot Costumes: create headbands for or bluetack a character to the Ozobot.
Running tourist commentary: students create a script for their tour which highlights the important places, what tourists might be seeing as they travel. Extra challenge- keep in time with your Ozobot as it does the map trail!
Video: Use your map and commentary to record a movie/video of the trip.
Brochure: create a brochure to accompany your map- it could be on paper or use canva.com
Tips and Tricks
Check that the outline of NZ is light enough that the Ozobot won’t follow that line!
Students will need to know and practice what makes a ‘good’ line for the Ozobot to follow. Find more info about a 'good' line here.
Depending on the age of your students, you could start without using codes or go straight into using the codes. Find codes here.
Students need to have had a tinker/play/experience with the Ozobots before doing this task. Especially if you are going to use the codes.
Have extra copies of the maps on hand!
More ideas and lessons: https://ozobot.com/
Buy an Ozobot here: https://www.noelleeming.co.nz/