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Sacred Heart Girls’ College, New Plymouth, have set a focus on implementing a localised, integrated curriculum across years 7-10.


Teachers across years 7-10, teaching English, Social Studies and Religious Studies came together to plan collaboratively. This is a great opportunity seldom extended to secondary school teachers.


We unpacked the attributes of our ideal student at the end of yr 10, holistically and academically. I facilitated discussion on future-focused education and 21 C skills and how we could harness these in a cross-curricular way. This also included designing rich learning tasks for the students incorporating Digital Technology Curriculum content and skills.


The outcome of this session was the organisation of a Mission Market Day, funds were raised for the Missions of founding sisters (RNDM) of the College. Different classes and subject areas covered different, curriculum-related, aspects of the day. Students became researchers, reporters, photographers and interviewers; all working collaboratively for a very authentic worthy cause.

Context: Market Day

Year levels: 7- 10

Integrated through: literacy, Inquiry, DTHM

Platform: Office 365

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Cathy Quigan facilitates PLD with teachers and students all over New Zealand. Having previously been a Digital Technologies teacher, Cathy brings a wealth of knowledge. She is a Mircrosoft Innovative Educator (MIE).

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